Trip to Tasmania – November 20-30, 2014

East Cloudy Head

We made it to the top! I was sweaty and red-faced, and I’d managed to twist my ankle a little on a rock. It was still worth it.

Mr Snook



What are you lookin’ at? 🙂


We had another great lunch including leftovers from the previous night’s dinner. Then we packed up and prepared to do the whole trip in reverse.

Cloudy Bay

Cloudy Bay

Cloudy Bay


Going down may have been harder than going up! It certainly gives your quads a good workout. I was hanging in there though.

Cloudy Bay

Cloudy Bay

Again, I couldn’t believe how empty the area was. I think we maybe only saw two other people outside of the campground. (There were plenty of people camping though.)


Finally we made it back to the beach. A few people actually stripped down to bathing suits and went for a swim, but I contented myself with wading into the surf.



Beach selfie

Beach stream

A few little streams actually meandered across the beach to empty into the bay.

Within a hundred yards of the car, the clouds finally opened and it began to pelt with rain! We ran for it. What a day.