Wedding Album – November 2004

As regular visitors to the site know, the Snook and I got married on November 20, 2004. In late February 2005 we finally got around to having a proper reception for our Australian friends and family. We decided to put together a little photo album for our guests to look at. This is what we came up with.

There are a few notable omissions, namely my new brothers Joey, Colfax, and Josh! I didn’t have any good shots of them together with us. We’ll remedy that in the future.

Wedding album


Wedding album

The all-important piece of paper

Wedding album

From the chapel

Wedding album

From the chapel

Wedding album

From the chapel

Wedding album

From the chapel

Wedding album

From the chapel

Wedding album

From the chapel

Wedding album

From the chapel

Wedding album

Early days…

Wedding album

Bad 70’s furniture.

Wedding album


Wedding album

Bonnets and bunnies.

Wedding album

Natural blonde. What a bowl-cut.

Wedding album

Turning three.

Wedding album


Wedding album

First day of school. Grandma’s driveway.

Wedding album


Wedding album

He cooks, she cleans.

Wedding album

Fishing with Dad. Girl Scout camp.

Wedding album

Fun times.

Wedding album

The nerdy teen years.

Wedding album

Bad. Hair.

Wedding album


Wedding album


Wedding album


Wedding album


Wedding album

Sydney Peace Rally, 2003.

Wedding album

EuroDisney, 2001.

Wedding album

Mini-break, 2004.

Cover - click to enlarge

San Francisco, 2004.

Wedding album

Howard-Carbo Wedding, 2004. London housemates, 2000.

Wedding album

Taronga Zoo, 2002. Halloween, 2003.

Wedding album

Auntie Linda’s birthday, 2004. Halloween, 2004.

Wedding album

Christmas at Taronga, 2004. Introducing Dr. Amy Jones…

Wedding album

The end.