See what I mean? You need a telescope to see the city from here!
We were walking down by the waterfront when we passed this exhibit in front of the Ripley’s Believe it or Not museum. Good grief. Steve bloody Irwin. I insisted Snookums pose for this pisstake.
This statue outside a shop stopped the Snook dead in his tracks. He turned to me and announced, “Nothing suss!” He immediately decided that we needed a picture to send in for Rove’s “What the?” segment. (He’s an Aussie talk show host who does a bit similar to Leno’s “Headlines.”)
We dropped, like, ten bucks in quarters at the Musee Mechanique, which houses all those cool old nickelodeon machines. Here’s the Snook having his “tired aching feet” relieved “without the use of electricity!”
Funhouse mirrors rock!
Hee hee.
The Golden Gate at sunset…
And again… (Why didn’t I edit this one out? Eh, I’m too lazy to do it now.)
At long last… I’d been waiting for this. Me with my very own famous Ghirardelli Chocolate Fudge Sundae.
Less than five minutes later… Damn, that was good!