Wedding Trip – November 17-December 5, 2004

So, did you watch the wedding online? Afterwards we went to dinner at Excalibur’s Tournament of Kings, where we ate chicken with our hands and toasted knights on horseback with frothy mead (i.e. beer). Back at our hotel, we were surprised to find a gift basket and bottle of champagne courtesy of my PW girls Kel, Crawfy, Eileen, and Liz.

Cheers! Thanks, girls!

Unfortunately this was our weather on our last morning in Vegas: rainy, cold, and miserable. Our flight back to LA got delayed for hours. That sucked.

Within a couple days we were back in Indiana to celebrate Thanksgiving with the fam. The Snook was lucky enough to experience his first real snowstorm. Here he is learning the duty of every Indiana husband: cleaning the snow off the car windshield.


Snookums the Red-Nosed Reindeer! Joey thought it was funny, anyway.

In my defense, Joey actually took this picture of me, which is why I look awful.

This one of the Snook and the Macy’s Parade is pretty cool, though.

Snowball fight!

Joey had a great time trying to make a snowman.