The smugness of the County Spelling Bee Champion.
Ha! The next time I get into an argument with someone who calls me a “Spelling Nazi”, I’m going to point them to this NYT article. Summary: Dumb eBay sellers list items with misspelled titles. Smart buyers find the items, buy them cheap, relist them with correct spellings, and sell for a tidy profit. I repeat, HA!
January 29, 2004 — 3:34 pm
January 29, 2004 — 4:07 pm
Visualizing another step in your plan to quit work and make selling on eBay a permanent career? 🙂
January 29, 2004 — 5:49 pm
you know me too well.
January 30, 2004 — 4:31 am
oh that is AWESOME. i’m so plugging in Cusinart and Le Cruset into my eBay searches from now on. 🙂
January 30, 2004 — 10:07 am
oh awesome!! i’m buying a pair of diamond “earings” for $20 right now!! yahooooooooo, this is genius!