
Man. Stuff like this is why I get anxious every time we visit the States. The Snook already suffers the indignity of frequent “random” bag searches and being fingerprinted upon arrival (as all Australians do). I can just see some jerkass immigration official deciding he visits too often and throwing him in jail.


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  1. Crap, that makes the so-called non-existent racial profiling and pat down that I am subjected to each time seem like a fun time.

    If they are stating 3300 people were rejected, I can only imagine what the real number is.

  2. That is so scary. I don’t think Hans was fingerprinted, but he was “randomly” chosen for the all-but-strip search on every flight but one, I think. Poor guy.

  3. All Aussies get photographed and fingerprinted. And if this is what we do to our allies and friends, imagine what it’s like for everyone else…

  4. I gather so do all Brits. Gets to be a bit of a dealbreaker for those of us with no special reason (eg a web-goddess!) to enter the US.

    Though, it’s easy to be unaware of how it is to enter our own countries for those who aren’t citizens. (Speaking as a UK citizen, and in terms largely of inconvenience and irritation). I feel more anxious in US airports than, say, Australian ones, however.

  5. I stand corrected. When I told him about this article and asked, he said that he WAS fingerprinted. Don’t know where I was! But he seemed more concerned about the news of border security being able to search laptops without cause.

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