Veggie Conundrum

Veggie ListA Veggie Conundrum
I went to pick up our veggie box last night from Michael at the Sustainable House. He let me swap a few things (I know from experience the two of us can’t get through a whole cos lettuce in a week) and he even gave me an extra jar of this week’s special treat, a hot Sri Lankan eggplant pickle. Anyway, I got the box home and started unpacking… and HOLY CRAP, we have a lot of vegetables! I put a list on the whiteboard so we would be reminded to work our way through them. It reads: red cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini, mushrooms, broccolini, beetroot, fennel, sweet potato, sweet corn, rhubarb, choy sum, capsicum, onions, and potatoes. Note: For most of these items, we just receive a small amount suitable for two people. (Personally I like this, while the Snook feels he’d rather have more of a few things and less variety.) Anyway, here’s the kicker – our oven is broken! Friday night I was pre-heating it for a pizza when it tripped the circuit breaker. We flipped it back on, and nothing. No fan, no heating element. Thank God the stove still works. So we’re ovenless until we can get it repaired, which makes using up all this veg that much harder. Any suggestions?

I used half a dozen potatoes, a quarter of the red cabbage, and a carrot from the fridge in last night’s dinner: Veal Schnitzel with Coleslaw and Rösti.

Schnitzel with Coleslaw and Rösti

It was fantastic! That was the first time I’d ever made rosti (using this recipe) and it turned out really great. Who needs Una’s when you can whip this up at home?


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  1. I made a great french onion soup with all the onions we got from the previous week’s veggie box & some leftover red wine that had gone vinegary.

    Also… mushrooms sauteed with garlic & balsamic or red wine, yum.

    A lot of those veggies would be great sauteed or steamed as a side dish for any simple meal, or you could do a stir fry.

    The red cabbage was good raw in a salad.

  2. Cos lettuce – we can eat a whole one between us in one caesar salad. But to make it my way you need an oven to make my special garlic/parmesan toasties to sit on top instead of croutons, so scratch that.

  3. French onion soup is a definite possibility, given that we’ve somehow accumulated a whole tub of onions. I’ve got yellow, white, a couple red, a couple small pickling, and a couple shallots. Can I just chuck them all into a pot and make soup, I wonder?

  4. have you checked that the timer hasn’t been tripped…I mean the manual timer thingy, sometimes that happens and you need to turn it – I think so the little hand is showing…I know what I mean! gah!

  5. Ours is digital, so I don’t think that’s it. We’ve flipped the circuit switch a couple times so that would’ve cleared any memory in the timer. (It definitely cleared the clock.)

  6. Ooooh. Make Bubble & Squeak (it is great comfort food). Grilled veg… Veg soup… And if you could use a great site for veggie recipes, 101 Cookbooks is my fave.

  7. You can use mixed onions in a soup. Slice them than cook them slowly in butter until transparent, then add stock, sherry, a drop of worchestor sauce…and simmer for ages. Serve with bread floating on top with toasted cheese on it… oh damn, that needs an oven too… 🙁

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