Mark’s Daily Apple: Introducing the New Primal Blueprint Food Pyramid

Mark’s Daily Apple: Introducing the New Primal Blueprint Food Pyramid – This is a good visual guide to the way Snookums and I are eating right now.


2 responses to “Mark’s Daily Apple: Introducing the New Primal Blueprint Food Pyramid”

  1. Interesting. I’ve always thought that veg should be sorted into leafy and starchy. I don’t agree with him about fruit, though. I think it should be higher in priority. I sometimes think I could just about live on it.

  2. Nutritionally, there’s nothing you get from fruit that you can’t get from vegetables. It’s just that most fruit is super high in sugar. People think fruit = healthy, so drinking a giant fruit smoothie or juice must be healthy too. When really, you’re sucking down the equivalent of a Coke in terms of sugar.