living doing

Miss our Jamie Oliver posts? Victoria over at the living doing blog is working her way through the recipes as well. (She’s using the TV series rather than the book though.) She’s got some lovely photographs too. I have a feeling it’ll be a while before the Snook and I get around to finishing off the book!


2 responses to “living doing”

  1. Marianne

    I found your blog while googline a Jamie Oliver recipe (chicken satay skewers & fiery noodles). When I saw that you had a photo-diary of the meal, I was hooked! I went through the last year of your blog to find and read every one you had done. Fantastic. I’ve cooked quite a few things from the book, but you’ve inspired me to try more. I love the co-driving system you have going – I’m going to try to get my hubby to do the same with me. Anyway, just wanted to say that I really enjoyed the photo-diaries.

  2. Thanks Marianne! Glad they’re useful to you. I think now that our kitchen renovation is done we’ll hopefully go back and do the last dozen or so to finish it off. 🙂