Psychologists confirm: Women REALLY don’t like beards | Mail Online – I am clearly a weirdo. I think Will and Keanu look way hotter with beards. I think the key is having them well-groomed. Brad Pitt looks like a mental patient with that billy goat beard.
3 responses to “Psychologists confirm: Women REALLY don’t like beards | Mail Online”
Hmm. That falls a little too far on the “wild and fuzzy” end of the spectrum for me personally. But he’s totally workin’ it with that uniform, I grant you.
I like a well groomed beard, Will did it well, as does Joshua Gomez from Chuck. I don’t like the beards that don’t/can’t grow in properly, or ones that just look they they haven’t shaved for a month with no sense of grooming.. all hail the bearded!
Prince William totally needs to grow a huge moustache like his great-great-granddaddy.