What was I thinking? Christmas my ass. This is just like moving all over again. It’s gonna take all day to unpack this stuff…
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personal blog of Kris Howard
What was I thinking? Christmas my ass. This is just like moving all over again. It’s gonna take all day to unpack this stuff…
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But which box has the ra-ra skirts in it? 🙂
it’s been four months since the movers came and i still haven’t unpacked all of our crap. i’ll probably have every thing in place a month before we have to move again…
But think of the fort you can make…
I have a room filled with boxes since our move in October 2000, and I have no intention ofunpacking most of it for at least another six months 😀
How about some more pictures of your new abode?
Ra-ra skirts? Puh-leaze. Like I would be caught… Okay, they’re in storage in my mom’s basement. 🙂
TD – Excellent idea! Too bad I didn’t think of that before I started crushing boxes for recycling. 🙁
Ma – I’m workin’ on it! I’ve got “before” pictures, but I wanted to wait til we got everything here to take the “after” ones. And you seriously don’t wanna see it right now. (Crap everywhere.)
I love ra-ra skirts. What’s wrong with them? they’re are a unique sense of style.
I hate it when Anonymous posters leave comments without reading all the previous ones. No one slagged off ra-ra skirts (at least in this post). I made a joke where I started to criticize them, and then admitted that I had some back at my mom’s house. It really kills the humor when you have to EXPLAIN everything, you know?
okay………what a funny joke.
ra-ra skirts rule! look at this issue of cosmo girl (september) and they r all in it!!!!
Wow, rilly? That TOTALLY makes them kewl then!
(That was sarcasm.)
ra ra skirts r brill! i got 1 yesterday its black & red stripes & from miss selfridege…idusnt cover a great & the boys like so who givs a damn!!!
Oh. My. God. Here’s a tip: in about three years, boys care more about girls who can spell.