14 thoughts on “”

  1. Bwhahahaha, I thought I was twisted for the mess I got my Buffy skinned sims into, but this is going to be muchly fun 😀

  2. Huzzah! Thoughts of Frodo and Sam make me feel all squishy inside! Now I really must rush right out and buy The Sims. 😉

  3. Ha! I love that even while I’m offline battling my computer, there’s always a faithful reader around to mock the randoms. 🙂

  4. You’ve got to feel kind of sorry for Orlando Bloom. He says in interviews that he has all these screaming girly fans and then when they see what he looks like in real life they are disappointed. I guess some people don’t realise that he is a human playing a mythical creature. 🙂 Does this mean Liv Tyler and Cate Blanchett really don’t have those sexy pointed ears and dulcet slowed-down speaking tones?

  5. Good point, orangecat. I LOVE Legolas, but I’m all “eh” about Orlando Bloom. I’m pretty good about keeping them separated. I’m like that with Spike/James Marsters from “Buffy” too. (Although in that case, it’s because James Marster’s normal speaking voice is completely dorky.) It’s still shocking whenever I see Bloom on TV though. It’s like, “Who’s this Legolas imposter?!” 🙂

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