WHAT? Okay, I need some EastEnders assistance, and quickly. According to this article, the actress that plays Zoe – the runaway – actually ran away from home recently. They found her but she’s suffering from nervous exhaustion. Here’s the part that freaked me though: “Her absence has meant the show’s writers have had to delay her screen wedding to Dr Anthony Trueman, played by Nicholas Bailey.” Zoe’s marrying Dr. Trueman? Like, the handsome black doctor that her mother dated? That’s gotta be a typo or something, right?
4 responses to “”
Don’t know about the running away and stuff but she is currently dating him in the show and yes he is the one that dated her mother. This weekend was when she found out.
That walfordweb.co.uk site is the best Eastenders one about. I use it to just read the spoilers and hell you don’t have to watch the show then ๐
Hehe… Must be a surprise for you Kris that I’m actually posting something useful for you to read unlike the usual waffle I post ๐
Wow, thanks guys. Man, I’m out of the loop. He’s a lot older than her! I’ve got to catch up…