It’s meme time again, kids! Here’s “Me From A to Z”, courtesy of TD.
A – Animals/Pets: Four goldfish, all named after Star Wars characters (Admiral Ackbar, Porkins, Aurra Sing, and Grand Moff Tarkin). Unfortunately Salacious Crumb, our snail, died last week. *sniff*
B – Best Friend: Snookums. I’m not just saying that to be cute, either.
C – Cohabitants: Snookums and the fish.
D – Desire(s): To get paid well for doing stuff I like. To get fit and lose some weight.
E – Eye Color: Brown.
F – Favorite Food(s): French fries, risotto, Thai green curry, my Aunt Berb’s chicken and dumplings, cheesecake. (Basically, if it’s fattening, I love it.)
G – Games: Ms. Pac-Man, Super Mario Bros. 1-3, euchre, Trivial Pursuit, JewelToy.
H – Habit(s): Clenching my jaw and squinching up my forehead when I’m concentrating (Snookums calls it my “constipation face”), cracking my knuckles, quoting Pride and Prejudice.
I – Interests: Blogging, quilting, watching TV, reading, baking, Roald Dahl.
J – Job: After nearly eight months of unemployment, currently contracting as a web designer and developer.
K – Kitchen (Wonder or Blunder?): Somewhere in the middle. I’m good at some things, but others I really have to work at. I can generally produce edible, non-poisonous fare, though.
L – Languages: English (American, UK, and Australian varieties), German (conversational), and a smattering of Korean.
M – Most Valued Possession(s) (an item, not people/pets): My iBook. That sounds cold, but I honestly don’t know what I’d do without it. It’s my connection to the world.
N – Name (Named after?): Kristine Michelle. The unusual spelling of my first name was apparently inspired by my mom’s best friend.
O – Outfit You Love: I don’t really *do* outfits. I like jeans, T-shirts, and sneakers.
P – Pizza Toppings: Meat (any and all), onions, green peppers.
Q – Question Asked To You the Most: “Do you have a job yet?”
R – Relationship/Partner: The Snook and I celebrated our two-year anniversary last April. My Australian Permanent Residency was granted on the basis of us being in a “defacto” marriage, but as far as actual ceremonies go, my ring finger is still unadorned.
S – Sport: Currently limited to running and working out at the gym.
T – Television Show(s): Friends, Malcolm in the Middle, Sex and the City, Six Feet Under, Buffy, Days of Our Lives.
U – Unsavory characteristic(s): Tendency towards inertia (staying home and being lazy), never answering e-mails, whinging.
V – Video (Favorites): Pride and Prejudice, Office Space, Clueless, The Stand, Mallrats, A Christmas Story.
W – Webpage (Favorite–not your own): Ahh, too many to list. The ones on my home page are the ones I visit every single day.
X – Xylophone (or other Instrument?): I used to play the trumpet, but it’s been years since I touched one.
Y – Year Born: 1977, the year of Star Wars.
Z – Zodiac Sign: Pisces. It suits me.
6 responses to “”
Six Feet Under. Whats it about? I think its starting in the UK soon and I was reading about it in NYC.
I saw some of it the other night. Looks pretty good. US dramas are ruling the roost at present and this one has dark humour and inter-racial, homosexual bits. Mary Whitehouse will be turning in her grave. Perhaps they could exhume her in one episode to get her opinion. Is this mainstream in the US? I hope so.
Nah, it’s on HBO. All the best shows are on cable, so they can swear and show boobies. Six Feet Under is about a family that run a funeral home. They’re all f’ed up. It’s great. Yeah, the gayness and inter-racial aspect is heavy in the first couple episodes (just to get the shock over with, I think) but it doesn’t end up being the center of the show. (Although it should – Keith is HOT.) You also don’t get as much of Peter Krause’s ass (*sigh*) after those first few episodes. Anyway, I recommend it a lot. Definitely give it a try anyway.
Martin, you’re back! How was your trip?
Trip was good.
Haven’t written anything about it yet as have loads of work to do and jetlag ain’t helping. I need the weekend to reset properly as I had the bright idea of coming straight to work after the flight back D’oh!
Got some cool piccies, some of which are on digital but I have a scanner so the rest ain’t far behind.
NYC just does not look the same in profile anymore ๐
Spent shed loads whilst there and also brought a cool little MP3 player. Only holds 64meg but is dead small and the PC equivalent of the iPod was dead ugly so no chance of me buying that.
Hang on 1: Just realised your pet names. How sad is the fact that I know who you’re referring to with all of them?
Hang on 2: You had a pet snail?!?!?
Some third party developer just released code to allow Windoze users to access iPod! You should’ve gotten that. iPods are dead sexy. ๐
It was a little aquatic snail. I think you’d call it a winkle or something. He went in with the fish. But he didn’t like something in there, and suddenly he turned black and started floating. Not good.