7 thoughts on “”

  1. Hi Julie! Thanks for stopping by. I just checked out your site. (Actually I tried to leave a comment and ended up double-posting and making a fool out of myself, so we’ll not mention that.) 🙂

  2. there are so many good hitler posters out now. there are a few at the modern humorist website, i think.

    You will never again see good and hitler that close together again from me. unless it’s like, hey, it’s good that hitler’s dead.

  3. errrrr

    sweety you need a password to get the bigger picture, as it were. muych like my life. i never have the password. please can i have the password? just this once…


  4. I tried the link as well — to “this page” (nctr.co.fsu.edu/special/wwII.htm) — unfortunately it asks for a username & password…. assume that’s what anonymous is referring to, though not sure about his/her password-less life!

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