How’s everybody doing with the book? Did those of you who’d ordered it finally get it? I’m thinking we could start the discussion properly in a week or so. Also, keep in mind that we’ll be doing The Lovely Bones next. I’ve had a request in for it at my local bookstore forever, but no luck yet. If you haven’t gotten a copy yet, start looking!


9 responses to “”

  1. Max

    I confess that I wasn’t able to hit this round of the book club (school prep and such), but with The Lovely Bones already under my belt, I’m ready to go for the next one.

  2. stefanie

    as for me — yes, did get the book, and finally got some time to read this weekend — so all ready for discussion! next week sounds great…

  3. I just started the book on Friday, and despite houseguests, road trips, and general summer work/life busy-ness, have made significant progress. Tomorrow the last of the guests leave, so I should have ample time to get reading and ready for next week!

  4. Next week will be fine. I’ve started reading, but I keep getting distracrted by LotR. I’m getting towards the end of The Two Towers, and I’m completely hooked! But I will get back on track with the assigned reading material ;o)

  5. I’ve finished it. Looking forward to the discussion.

  6. I just read the first two chapters of The Lovely Bones and am hooked! Can’t wait ’til you get to that book!

  7. Hi Lynnette! It’s on schedule for next month, so go ahead and get a copy. I’m looking forward to that one too!

  8. Good gawd. I’m only on the third chapter of it still! I’m having real trouble picking the book up, feh. Maybe I’ll have better luck with The Lovely Bones.

  9. I think once you get a little further in it gets easier. Don’t expect a lot of plot or anything though. 🙂