My desktopAt last! I finally have Mac OS X 10.2 in my possession. During last weekend’s fruitless trip to the Apple Store I noticed that the Apple seminar road show was swinging through Sydney this week. Today I dragged the Snook down to the Convention Centre in Darling Harbour to check it out. What a haul! I got tons of free stuff: brochures, stickers, a gigantic Jaguar poster. Even better, when I bought the OS they gave me a $50 rebate coupon and a free T-shirt! Now I don’t feel so bad about missing out on the first day action. *grin* Anyway, it’s all installed and I’ve been having some fun playing around with the changes. The new iChat is especially interesting. Pictured here is my current desktop if you wanna check it out. (Yeah, I’m lovin’ the leopard skin.)

After the seminar we headed back out to the Harbour. It was such a beautiful day. I’d been in one of my blue “Why did we leave London?” funks but those never last long in the face of Sydney sunshine. Snookums caved to my whim and we took a ferry all the way around to Circular Quay, under the Bridge and near the Opera House. I never get tired of that. I couldn’t resist taking a few pictures. Here’s the Snook having a rest, a view of the city skyline, and a shot of the big scary entrance face at Luna Park. (Imagine going through that at night as a kid… “Can’t sleep. Clown’ll eat me!”)

Snookums checks out the city     A very vertical skyline...     Scary face!


6 responses to “”

  1. aim

    that second shot doesn’t even look like a real place! i should send you pictures from my office in fort wayne, next to the BUS depot – specifically of the homeless guy who occasionally lays outside this lady barb’s office window and humps the grass.

    (E.C.): i hate you guys.

  2. Moire

    There are real, honest-to-gods homeless folks in Fort Wayne?? I used to live right downtown in Three Rivers Apartments, and walked all over the place, and I don’t remember seeing ONE. Of course, now that I work in D.C., I see a dozen or so a day. Huh…

    And, Kris: I’m so jealous! My office hasn’t recieved its Jaguar upgrade yet, since it’s not in the budget until late September. Buh! Keep us informed on how you like it, and if any weird issues come up. For some reason, under 10.1.5, my Photoshop crashes several times a day; that REALLY pisses me off. I’m hoping that updating to 10.2 will take care of that…

  3. Aim – Yeah, the colors are kinda surreal in that one. Sometimes my camera makes things a bit darker than they should. As I’m not a super-kewl camera nerd like you, I don’t know how to fix it. Is that why you think it looks unreal? The lighthouse and the weird lamp were both close to me, while the buildings are all actually across the harbour. I was sitting waiting for the ferry and just thought the “three towers” aspect was kinda cool.

    The Cartman bit made me laugh.

    As for Jaguar, I’m not noticing a hella lot (see what I did there?) of improvement just yet. I mean, it’s cool and all, but I’m not blown away. I can’t decide if that’s because my system was A) pretty good or B) pretty crap to begin with. But I like all the new features.

    I’ll keep you posted, but I won’t have much to say about Photoshop. While I can afford the occasional OS upgrade, Photoshop is now far out of my reach. I use The Gimp instead, which is an open-source clone you can get running on OSX. Does nearly everything the original does and best of all, it’s free! 🙂

  4. Is That a Ferret In

    No one can ever slag me off again for installing dubious Windows gadgetry on my machine after seeing how dubious your screen looked 😉

    I bow down before the Queen of Screen Silliness!

  5. Jenny

    But really, it all comes back to the Simpsons…they’ve done everything 😉

  6. None of that is gadgetry! That’s just the OS, buddy. 🙂