I’m going insane. You know the song “All I Want” by Toad the Wet Sprocket? (Yeah, I’m putting together a 90’s mix CD.) Wasn’t it the theme to a TV show? At first I thought it was Party of Five, but no, that was the Bodeans’ “Closer to Free”. Was it Melrose Place? The IMDb is not helpful. What the hell am I thinking of?
15 responses to “”
I don’t think it was a theme song… maybe they played it on Dawson’s or something…?
You’re right, it was on Dawson’s. How did you remember that? Freak. ๐
But I’m still convinced it was a theme song. This is tearing my brain in two. Google turns up nothing. False memories have been implanted in my head.
oh…yeah, i was thinking it wasn’t a theme song but that it was on like, my so called life or something.
That sounds right, actually. Now that you’ve mentioned MSCL, I sorta recall seeing an ep that featured that song.
Why the hell can I not get the Melrose connection out of my head? *getting desperate now* Maybe it was a commercial. Does that seem right to anyone? For some reason, when I heard that song I picture Andrew Shue and Courtney Thorne-Smith. (I only watched Melrose for, like, a three months period when my dormmates talked me into it.) Yet I can’t find any verification anywhere. This is craziness.
Kris, I can’t remember the show, but I swear it was about young, Dawson-esque lawyers in Washington, D.C. Was it “The Round Table,” maybe? That series was around ’91-’92, and the song was out in 1991 or so, right?
Now this is killing ME!
Hey, if I turn out to be right, do I get a copy of the mix CD? ๐
Share the pain. Hmm, Dawson-esque lawyers. Could be. I should just e-mail one of the people that runs a Toad the Wet Sprocket fan site and have them put us out of our misery.
You can have a copy, but I’m not sure it’s one you want. I’m making it for my college dorm reunion next month (that I’m not able to attend). So far it’s shaping up to be a double disc, with the first part devoted to all of the songs my friends and I listened to obsessively (i.e. Indigo Girls, the RENT soundtrack, etc.), and the second part will be a general soundtrack of 1995-1999. You might like the second disc. I’m just excited I managed to find a copy of “The Freshmen” by Verve Pipe. Man, that song is annoying, but it’s seriously like a time warp straight to 1996. ๐
You might be thinking of a short-lived 1993 series called “Class of ’96” about a bunch of kids in their first year of college. I don’t think it was the theme song (which might have been “These Are Days” by 10,000 Maniacs). But I do remember they used “All I Want” in promo ads for the show when they were playing up the budding romance between the main characters. I remember this because I went and bought the album after hearing it a dozen times.
That could very well be it. Was it on Fox? I don’t feel like it was on one of the major networks…
It was on Fox; I remember watching the previews during the 90210 / Melrose block when I was in college (and I was/am a huge 10000 Maniacs fan, so remember the usage of their song). I also think I remember hearing that the show was written or produced or directed by Peter Horton, who I think went to Duke, so it was rumored that the show was based on his Duke Experience. I must have watched it once or twice, but it wasn’t that good. I can’t remember whether they used the Toad song, but it wouldn’t surprise me.
“All I want” was used in promo commercials for “The Round Table”, but the actually theme song for that show was “Youn Americans by David Bowie.
Was this used on another show in the early 90’s with Kerri Russell in it? I seem to remember a show about a single mom and Kerri Russell every time I hear this song
No Kerri Russel went from Mousketeer to Honey I blew up the Kids.
i’m almost positive that it was the theme song for a little while to early melrose place. i have the same connection.