Notre Dame defeats #6 Michigan. Holy crap. They haven’t beaten a top ten team since they last beat Michigan in the first game of my senior year (1998). Now that was a game. Michigan had won the national championship the year before and we were itching to take them down. I remember about mid-way through the fourth quarter, when it was pretty clear we were going to win, my friend Brian announced to all of us in the stands, “I’ll see you guys on the fifty yard line.” We win, we storm the field, people are taking pictures, students run out the tunnel and play in the fountain… I’m not a big gung-ho sports fan by nature, but that was one of the most exciting days of my life. It was high drama and it was real. And they just did it again! How amazing would it have been to be there? Ahh, homesickness, my old friend.


4 responses to “”

  1. yazzy

    i remember that game. i think i left as soon as i realized the students were going to storm.

    gah, i miss the football games.

  2. Hi Yazzy! You’re a Domer too? What year?

  3. yazzy

    i graduated in 2000. i used to live in PE. lol, go Pyros!

  4. Ack. The enemy! 🙂