Gordon's Got a Snookie!Saturday the Snook and I were strolling through Newtown when we saw this book in a local shop window: Gordon’s Got a Snookie! How cute is that? We went in and read it. It’s a picture book about the new male gorilla at the zoo, whose arrival has all the other animals excited. When they see he has a snookie (a security blanket) though, they laugh at him and make fun of him. He ends up all by himself hugging his snookie (because a snookie is something you hug when you’re all alone and you want your mommy). But then one day the baby gorilla falls in the water and Gordon uses his snookie to save him. All the animals think he’s a hero and he gives them all pieces of the snookie. Isn’t that sweet? I’m glad I have a Snookie. 🙂


5 responses to “”

  1. Awwww. Now I wanna snookie!! Dammit. that means i’ll have to get off my lazy arse and find one. There has to be a faster way. 🙂

  2. As long as you keep your hands off mine! 🙂

  3. a monkey and a snookie? so gaddang adorable. 😉 did you buy the book?

  4. amy

    chad has a snookie. he simply calls it “sheet.” we joke about the imagery of him marrying Sheet someday, because he can’t sleep without it.

    now we’re the geeks.

  5. Wait a second- now I can’t decide. Which one is better- a monkey or a snookie? I can’t decide, dammit! Decisions, decisions!