Hooray! I’m planning a big ol’ American Thanksgiving dinner for a bunch of Aussies – though we have to hold it on the 30th, since it’s obviously not a public holiday here – and I just found a company that delivers American food Down Under! I’ve been trying to figure out how to make a pumpkin pie without the canned mix, and now I don’t have to! They don’t have Cool Whip though, which is a slight disappointment. (Listen to me! Like it’ll be such a hassle to have to use real whipped cream over the fake stuff.) The menu is starting to take shape, and luckily I won’t have to fight my way into the stores weeks in advance here. I can do this! I am not domestically-challenged! This is my new mantra.
Now I just have to pick the brains of all the female members of my family for recipes… ๐
7 responses to “”
Very cool, I’m actually going to try “New Orleans-style Ham” this year…. that and i’m MAKING, yes I said making, MAKING a pecan pie! I’m so proud of myself. And I know if I can make THAT, you can SO make your pun’kin pie-without-the-cool-whip.
Ooh! I want to do a pecan pie too! Do you have a good recipe? Have you tried it out? If it’s good, pass it along! I’d love to give it a shot…
Nevermind. I just found out one of my guests is, like, a chef (oh great, no pressure there!) and he’s volunteered to bring the pecan pie. So that frees me up somewhat.
Not to brag or anything….well, wait. I think i SHALL brag. I just found the perfect Pecan Pie recipe. Not only is it Pecan Pie, Kris–Get this. Bourbon-Chocolate Pecan Pie. Go on, tell me you’re jealous.
Oh wait. Bourbon? The Snook likes bourbon. I might need this recipe anyway. Please send. ๐
Kris, you’ll be amused to hear that I had thanksgiving turkey envy this year, so Clinton and I shared a frozen turkey dinner! How funny is that?
Whenever you get homesick you should round up us knitting girls for an impromptue session!
Haha! Helen, I’m not sure what the American-envying version of an Anglophile is, but that’s what you are. ๐