His Dark Materials

As Max pointed out, BBC Radio is dramatizing Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy. The first part is already online. (Note: it’s a sucky streaming Real Audio file though. Drop me a line if you’re interested in having an mp3 version instead. I love the Snook.)


10 responses to “His Dark Materials”

  1. Ferret-In-Hiding

    Rodd is the dodgiest person I know!!! He can get you anything you need *wink* *wink*

  2. aim

    i want mp3, i want mp3! (and umm, i noticed something about a boxed set, too. hmm.)

  3. Moire

    Me, too! I’m interested to hear what the BBC has done with Pullman’s work.

  4. Hmm, I’m wondering if I can set it up to allow you guys to FTP it right from my machine. Might be slow though. (It’s a 68 MB file.) Or if you just wait a few weeks til the other 2 books air, I’ll whack all 3 onto a CD. 🙂

  5. Moire

    Oh, I’m more than willing to wait. 🙂

  6. Dave

    I missed this, so an mp3 would be much appreciated (I’ll have to borrow my friend’s broadband link to download it.) PS I once parked my car outside Philip Pullman’s house – trivial claim to fame eh? 😉

  7. Send me an e-mail with your address, Dave, and I’ll post you a CD once they broadcast the 3rd episode. You can just owe me a mix CD someday. 🙂

  8. Dave

    I could swap a copy of Philip Pullman’s appearance on Desert Island Discs, http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/factual/desertislanddiscs_20021006.shtml
    – will send email.

  9. Julie Winston

    Hello Kristine, just found this site. Do you have the Subtle Knife on MP3? Is it something I can download? Would appreciate it to complement the other two that I succeeded in recording.


  10. Hi Julie, I’ve got it myself but it’s about 60 MB. Let me know if you want it and I’ll arrange an FTP or something.