No, Willow. Just no.

Waaaaait just a minute. Willow is marrying Wesley? That’s just too weird. (Link courtesy of Kim.)


5 responses to “No, Willow. Just no.”

  1. Moire

    Heh! It is sorta weird when you think about it as far their characters are concerned.

    You know what’s really weird? Hannigan is TWENTY-EIGHT years old. She looks 18, tops.

  2. I don’t think I actually like Hannigan that much (as compared to Willow). She marries Wesley, she poses in Maxim, she stars in teenage sex comedies. I’m just going to have to do like I did with Spike, and completely mentally divorce the actor’s real persona from the character they play. It’s the only way not to ruin the show for me.

  3. yeah i saw that a few days ago! i’m really happy for them 😀

  4. I think I need to see some more of him, because my only image is of Wesley from Buffy Season 3 and the first half of Angel Series 1. So in my mind, she’s marrying a stupid git.

  5. I haven’t seen Angel season 3 yet, but I can safely say that your view of Wesley would definitely change if you saw the latter part of season 1 and all of season 2. His character develops quite a bit – though not quite as interestingly as does Cordelia’s.