I’m tryin’ out some new links in my daily blog reading routine. They’re down there on the right. I discovered them all via comments at this site, so if you think I should be experiencing your brilliance, speak up!
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kris, i’m blushing! thanks for the link!
OK, I’m speaking up! I’ve been reading your site for over a year now, and really enjoy it. Although I’m not nearly as technically advanced as you, I enjoy posting to my own blog. Here’s the link: http://www.lynnettecook.com/blog
Kris, have my babies?
I’m not such a fan of babies. But I like new content! So keep me entertained. 🙂
hey, thanks for the link!
Thanks for the link. The crafts are great…maybe I’ll share more of mine along the blog.
You definitely should. There aren’t enough crafty blogs out there…