Beware the Ides of March! It’s two weeks until I officially enter my “late twenties”. That sucks. I cannot possibly be four years from thirty. It’s just… inconceivable.

17 thoughts on “”

  1. oops — that was supposed to read “feeling my age and then some”… didn’t realise it would be cut out.

  2. oops — that was supposed to read “feeling my age and then some”… didn’t realise it would be cut out.

  3. aaah! Attack of the work network problems. Somebody stop me before I post again!! apologies for the duplication, and I’m now turning my computer off before any more damage is done…

  4. twenty six is still mid-twenties. here are the rules: 20-23 early twenties, 24-26, mid twenties, 27-29 late twenties. got it? :o) i’m already in my late twenties, and Mark will be joining me in a couple of weeks! it’s not so bad really. heh.

  5. I don’t know about you, but I’m just getting better as I get older. I’m healthier, happier, and more “together” than I was in my 20’s, so I’m happy to be on “the dark side” of 30. Not to mention what I won’t mention on a family website that improves for women as they get older…

  6. 26….Try 45. With age comes wisdom, case in point, a couple of years Amy gave me a b-day card that said the older I got the cooler I became. I told her that I was always cool she was just to young to realize it. Maybe she will say the same thing about you. At least it would be better than her calling you a pod person. : )

  7. yikes, kristen! according to your brackets, i am in the late twenties and later on this month i will be 28 and officially smack dab in the middle of them!

  8. aahh well you just need to be cursed with looking younger than you really are like me 😉

    In my case, it works against me….grrrr!

  9. You mean the sex, Tricia? Hee. (I just had to prove this isn’t a PG website.)

    My problem is that I don’t think I’ve aged a lot mentally. In college I still felt like a teenager, and now I still feel like a college student. I’ll be retired before I start feeling like a proper grownup…

  10. Good heavens, are you still trying to win? You’ve got an overdeveloped sense of vengence, that’s going to get you in trouble someday…

    …ahem. I’m still in my late twenties for a couple more weeks…hint hint.

  11. Whaddaya mean, “hint hint”? I don’t see any Wishlist at your site! If you want the goods, you gotta provide the list. 🙂

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