Helloooo, 26! It’s technically still the 14th here, but I’m gonna hit the sack and post-date this one. Thanks to everyone who sent cards and well-wishes. In the imaginary Showbiz Pizza Place in my head, you’re all sittin’ at the table wearin’ party hats.

20 thoughts on “”

  1. Happy Birthday to you!
    You live in a zoo!
    You look like a monkey!
    And you smell like one, tooooooo!

    Heh! Just kidding. Happy Birthday, Kris. 😉

  2. that showbiz comment was bait, punk. but since it’s your birthday, i’m gonna let it slide.

  3. Was that some kind of crack about my mechanical overalls? You’re just jealous!

    Happy Birthday!

  4. Happy Birthday! I think I still have a picture of you wearing your show-biz party hat sitting at the head of the table.
    I just got an idea, Colfax’s birthday is only about 10 days before Amy’s, he probably wouldnt mind if we combined them both. Hey better late than never right? Hey Aim are ya up for Show-biz this year? We can even get yer pic taken in a party hat.

  5. Go Kris. It’s your birthday. And so on… 🙂

    (Everyone else may be sittin’ at the Showbiz table, but I’m kickin’ it live up on stage doing a Kylie medley with the Rockafire Explosion!)

  6. Happy Birthday! I remember when I was in my mid-twenties, about 156 years ago. Better kick up your heels now – when you get to be my age, you try to kick and you have to go to the ER. 😉

  7. Thanks everybody! Saturday was great. (Warm, but not too hot, orangecat.) We went to a play and then out to a fancy dinner. Then yesterday we had friends over for beer and board games. I’m still recovering from that. I’ll post a proper recap soon…

  8. Oh, and no cake, Kristen! I’m supposed to have some at work today though, so I guess that’ll have to do.

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