New Poll: Would you send a guy flowers? If you are a guy, what would you think of a chick that sent you flowers? I’m kinda stressing. (Shh! Don’t mention this around the Snook til after tomorrow.)
Update: Yeah, as most of you guessed, I sent the Snook flowers for our anniversary. I specified something “manly” and “small enough to carry on public transport.” The arrangement ended up being a couple orange gerberas surrounded by gumnuts, grevillia, and some funny small orchids. (Mostly Australian native flowers for you foreign types.) He liked it a lot, though I don’t think I’m going to make a habit of it. I think he got a little embarrassed carrying it home. 🙂
10 responses to “”
I got quite a few flowers from people this year. Felt all grown up to be able to accept (and enjoy) receiving flowers without any weirdness…
Yes. I would AbsoLUTEly send a guy flowers!
i would [have back in my single days], but not my guy. The Mister would rather i give him the remote. 😉
Well to tell the truth, if a girl sent me flowers I would feel honored. I mean it’s a nice gift, & she’s doing it out of goodness, let alone being thoughtful towards me. I know this may be some sappy answer, but hey it’s the truth
i gave mark a bonsai tree when he was sick a couple of years ago. he liked it (well, so he says). i figured it was a bit more manly (and longer lasting!) than flowers.
I received some bamboo recently which is a perfect guy-gift. ‘Manly’ flowers such as orchids work, but I’d feel a bit odd receiving traditional ‘girly’ flowers like roses.
Hmm. Bamboo? I thought all bamboo was, like, six feet tall. You can get little bamboo?
Sure, it comes in all sizes, I have 3-4 stalks maybe 2 feet high in a Chinese-style vase. As long as you keep water in the vase it stays alive.
You forgot to mention the nifty curly-cue turns that the little stalks (about 1/2 inch diameter) take half-way up.
I’ve been to Thai restaurants that have amazing bamboo plants that are like art, with all of the bending and curling.
The bamboo they’re referring to here, Kris, isn’t actually a bamboo at all – Dracaena sanderiana, also called ‘Chinese Bamboo’ and ‘Lucky Bamboo’ is a semi-aquatic relative of the very common Dracaenas that we grow in pots as houseplants (thick, perfectly round woody stem, random sproutings of rosetted green leaves).
That said, you can get tiny, dwarf bamboos that grow no more than 6 inches high, and some more showy ones that top out at about two feet. They are fairly easy to get in your former haunt, London, and are even more popular in French florists (brought back loads from Paris on the Eurostar) – I’m sure you can find them in Oz – it just might require contacting a specialist.