One of the problems with going to a doctor in another country is that they call everything by a different name here. “Kristine, have you ever had glandular fever?” Think, think, think. “Oh, isn’t that what you call mono? No, then I haven’t.” “How about thrush?” “Hmmm… what’s that? Oh! Nooo, I haven’t!” It gets complicated. But eventually I made it through my appointment with the endocrinologist yesterday, only to hear her say that she definitely thinks I’m hypothyroid. I had to go for blood tests and the results won’t be back for a week, but based on my symptoms she’s fairly certain. Hopefully as of next week she can prescribe me some drugs to make me feel better. She laughed as I described huddlling under three blankets next to the Snook, who only sleeps with a sheet. “I’ll have you as warm as him within a few weeks,” she told me. I can’t wait.
6 responses to “”
i am so happy for you, woman! just out of curiosity, how long have you been suffering these symptoms?
See, that’s the embarrassing thing. She asked me the same question, and I was like, “Uh… as long as I can remember?” I honestly didn’t realize that the way I feel isn’t the way everybody else feels. The problem is that all of the symptoms are little things, and they only add up if you know what you’re looking for. I mean, sure, people tell me I look tired in the morning, regardless of how much sleep I get. But is that really a huge red flag? And I have weird dry skin areas, like my upper arms. Again, by itself not a huge issue. The cold sensitivity… I just kinda thought it was a female thing. So all of that makes it hard to pinpoint. I guess if I had to, I’d probably say it started coming on in college and peaked when I hit London. That’s really when I started to feel sluggish and stressed. I’m just so happy to realize that I don’t have to feel this way! I wonder what I’ll be like when I have a decent metabolism and energy and stuff?
i feel ya… worst thing ever was when i was living in london and got a yeast infection from the antibiotics i was taking. sooo, i go into the pharmacy to get some meds for it, and i head up to the counter chick and discreetly ask for the magic one-time yeast infection pill that they didn’t have in the u.s…. and she’s all “you’ve got thrush, huh?” “i guess? i say.” then, of course, she has to ask “is it in your mouth?” i’m getting redder and redder at this point, as i reply “um, nooooooo, not there.” then, in what was seemingly the LOUDEST f-ing voice i have ever heard, she says, “ahhh vaginal thrush!” i just about died. and of course, by that point in our conversation, a three-person queue had started up behind me, and they all heard it. hell, the whole damn store heard it! yeah, not the best time ever… but at least i know what thrush is now!
How in the world do you get a yeast infection in your mouth??? That story’s hilarious, though. 🙂
It really is amazing how much better you feel when things like this get treated. I was diagnosed with PCOS and have been on horomone therapy and a glucose pill and it has made a WORLD of difference. I am not cold anymore all the time and I can eat without gaining weight. I am proud of you for getting it checked out!
i think thrush—the oral kind—can arise from poor nutrition and/or hygiene? i think i ran into it when doing a summer service project at a women’s shelter in Jersey City. one of the women staying there had an infant (as well as another kid) who may have had it (all kinds of white gook at the back of its mouth/tongue/throat).
as for the story, kel? how mortifying. seriously, do folks overseas have a different concept of privacy? or was she just having a bad day?