I was all set not to recommend this Mash Game because I had such trouble getting the stupid thing to work on my Mac. When I finally got it to function in IE though, my fortune was so good that I just had to share. According to the site, I’m going to be a professional knitter in Paris and drive a pink PT Cruiser. I’m going to be married to Seth Green and we’re going to live in a mansion with no kids. That rules!


2 responses to “”

  1. i’m going to be a black Audi TT-driving potter living in a mansion in Portland with The Mister and our five kids!

    (yes, i am a lame-yet-happily married person who puts her husband’s name down in a for-fun fortune telling game. what can i say? even my fifteen year crush on Mr. Tantric Sex himself can’t hold a candle to my man. 😉

  2. Awwww… so sweet. Now I’m feeling bad that I *didn’t* put the Snook on mine!