48 hours in Venice and I’ve…

  • had gelato (yummy Italian ice cream) twice
  • realized that cities without cars are really, really nice
  • seen the famous glassblowers of Murano
  • travelled all over the city via “vaporetti” (canal ferries)
  • dipped my toes in the Mediterranean at the beach on the Lido
  • applauded the string quartets playing in St. Mark’s Square at night
  • taken pictures of the colorful little houses in Burano
  • eaten a pizza as thin as a tortilla and bigger than a record album
  • made more references to the Venice episode of The Amazing Race than I can count.

Unfortunately the city itself isn’t the only Race similarity. I used to think it was ridiculous how some of the teams treated each other. Now I realize that irritation, impatience, and general irrational behaviour is to be expected when you travel with one person for an extended period of time. Yes, the Snook and I are driving each other crazy. It’s been three weeks of seeing each other 24-7 and we’re going maaaaaad. If you don’t hear from me by the end of the week, it’s probably because one of us finally pushed the other into a canal. 🙂


2 responses to “”

  1. hey! mark and i are in venice too! get in touch and maybe we can share a gondola! or at least some pizza and beer!

  2. Crap! We left Tuesday morning. We were in Milan Tuesday night and now we’re in La Spezia getting ready to check out the Cinque Terra tomorrow. We’ll be in Florence from Thursday – Sunday and then Rome from Sunday – Wednesday. That match up with you guys at all?