My sister’s doing it. I’m thinking about it. Are we nuts?


9 responses to “”

  1. Max

    Oh shiznit, Kris..this makes ME want to try it, too. It seems awfully low-impact, though. Is it realistic to do so little training during the week then jump into a multi-mile run? Keep me posted…we may have a trans-Pacific training thing going. 🙂

  2. I wondered about that too, Max. Since the Sydney Marathon is in a mere 39 days, I was planning to stretch out my training for, oh, say, a YEAR. Do any of you experienced runner types think that’s a bad idea? I was guessing I could either just repeat each week as I go along, or I could be more realistic and admit that I’m not going to the go to the gym six times a week and sorta stretch out a week’s worth of training into two. Do people actually train for a year for a marathon? Will I need that much time? Maybe I should buy a book or something.

  3. I’d consider building up your basic running conditioning (getting comfortable with short runs 2-3 times a week) and then starting the program at the right time. I know I would get burnt out if I stretched this plan out over a year. That’s a long time to be looking at the calendar and saying’OK, HOW far again today?’ The 6-month timeframe makes a lot of sense physically & mentally.
    Max–I can vouch that the ‘low’ mid-week mileage does work; it’s all about building up those long runs on the weekends.

  4. I think that the plan looks reasonable. I’ll agree with Jeff about building your conditioning for now and just following the plan for 6 months. You may also want to try a half-marathon first; you could use the same training plan, just stop when you’re up to 10 – 12 miles on the long runs.

    I’ll disagree with Jeff in that I think that mid-week workouts are very important, and this plan does have a lot of mid-week workouts: about 15 miles a week before the long run. That’s pretty solid mileage. While I probably wouldn’t actually run 6 days a week, I wouldn’t want to cut it down to less than 4-5 days a week for those 4-6 months before the marathon.

    Last summer and fall while training for Chicago I had trouble with my knees, and I’m convinced that it was because I did too little mid-week milage and too many mid-20 mile runs. Most programs (other than Galloway) recommend only doing 2-3 20+ milers, and keeping those to 20-21 miles.

    A lot of people don’t follow these plans and still run marathons. I just don’t think they are very happy while running. I felt great during my marathons (better than some who vouch for low mid-week mileage) and was able to keep up a good pace, and attribute that to sticking (more or less) to a 6 month marathon training program.

    Oh, and to the original question: not nuts!

  5. aim

    i definitely don’t think you need a year, kris. (5 weeks might be pushing it, though.) but just cause you consumed a gondola full of gelato the last month doesn’t mean you’ve already lost your conditioning that you’d been building up for the past year or more! you’re already off to a much better start than i am. i feel like i’m 70-years old after i finish running! i have less than 19 weeks now for the big dog. our training plan looks similar to this jeff dude’s…we only have a few 20+ mile long-runs scheduled on weekends and there’s a pretty dramatic taper in the weeks before the race. our mid-week mileage is a little less than 15 and goes up and down throughout the 19 weeks…but remains right around that point. i’ve got two coaches and an assistant coach who have a crapload of experience apiece so i feel like they have a good grasp on what we’re doing. if you want any more details, let me know. (that is, if i don’t die in the next month when we start doing 10+ mile runs on the weekend! dude, you KNOW me. you know what that will be like.)

    and ANYWAY – let me make this clear. maybe it helps sometimes when you have another mission that motivates you even more to train harder and smarter to finish the marathon. i think sometimes that’s the key – is finishing enough? or is there some other reason you can find to do it? even though i’m anti-aids marathonners (because they take down our ad stands in stores and put theirs up! grrrr.) i say look into that program or see if sydney has something similar. and by god, link to my crappy personal fundraising site (still working on it) so people can see what is UP. !

  6. Thanks for all the comments. You guys are so right; I’d get completely burnt out if I jumped into this now. Basically then I think I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing – short runs during the week and a longer one on the weekend. (By short I mean 2.5 miles, i.e. what I can get done in the 30 minute treadmill timeframe; by long I mean anywhere from 3-5.) I’d still like to get my mile time down to ten minutes, so maybe I’ll make that my goal for the next few months. By the time I get there I’ll be able to start thinking about a more structured marathon plan.

    Another question: how often do you guys replace your shoes? Do you guy by mileage or just how they feel? I took my running shoes on the holiday to wear while pounding the Italian pavement and I’m semi-afraid I’ve killed what little support they had left.

  7. aim

    dude! you’re not supposed to wear your running shoes for anything but running! we got yelled at. and i think they say something like every 1,000 miles? puma makes some badass ones now that are guaranteed for x-amount of mileage – i want some. i have to make sure they fit my clubs, though.

  8. I’ve heard that they should be replaced every 500 miles. Then you wear the old shoes when playing tourist. 🙂

  9. Well, yeah, I know, but they were getting kinda old anyway. And I knew I’d be doing a lot of walking and I wanted something to minimize the damage on my feet. I ended up alternating the sneakers with my new Teva-like sandals (I said Teva-like! They’re not Tevas. I hate Tevas.) and I still had aching feet every day.

    But how the heck do you know when you’ve reached 500 miles? Should I be keeping track of these things??