Can someone in California please go to 826 Valencia next time you’re in San Francisco and verify that Dave Eggers really is running a pirate supply store? Because that’s nutty. Thanks.
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personal blog of Kris Howard
Can someone in California please go to 826 Valencia next time you’re in San Francisco and verify that Dave Eggers really is running a pirate supply store? Because that’s nutty. Thanks.
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Oh, it’s true. We took a bunch of local bloggers there, and took a few pictures. It’s a neat place.
Thanks. I thought it was, but Eggers’ message in Ebert’s latest Answer Man column made it sound like a huge joke. I’m glad that something so wonderfully absurd actually exists!
It’s just across the street from one of my favorite hole-in-the-wall restaurants. I didn’t even realize that it was there, until I saw the HUGE Chris Ware designed mural on the front.