Books: During a break in a Sunday knitting class a few weekends ago, I wandered into Dymocks bookstore to kill some time. “Hey,” I thought, “there’s that Da Vinci Code book everybody’s been raving about.” As I am powerless to resist the book-buying impulse, I bought it, brought it home, chucked it on the bookcase and promptly forgot about it. I rediscovered it a few days ago while packing up books for the move. On a whim, I started reading it on the bus this morning… and got completely and irrevocably hooked. I have a feeling that “Boxing stuff for the move” is about to get reprioritized down my To Do list in favor of “Spend every second devouring this book as quickly as possible.”

Meanwhile, I’ve finally finished one strand of the Ender saga with Children of the Mind. I found the ending disappointing. After three books worth of impending doom, the big climax is Jane picking up the bomb and putting it back on the ship? Not very exciting. And I’m still disturbed by the whole Jane/Valentine Ender/Peter thing. It was all just so convenient. Nevertheless, I’m on the lookout for Ender’s Shadow. I always found the Battle School stuff more interesting anyway…


2 responses to “”

  1. amy

    I’m with ya on the call of the book store. I can’t take it either. I swear I can here them calling to me.

  2. I finished The Da Vinci Code. Took me about 36 hours. I’d give it a favorable review, I guess. Personally all the religious/goddess worship stuff didn’t really interest me. I devoured the story because it was the literary equivalent of watching The Amazing Race and The Mole. Figure out the clue, hurry hurry, the cops are catching up, who’s the traitor, how are they going to get out of this one? It was pretty exciting.

    I admit that a couple times I let out a snort of disbelief though. Disney as a secret goddess cult worshipper? Ariel as Mary Magdalene? I wrote some pretty far-out papers for my Film classes, but even I never got that wacko.