Last night I organized our entire CD collection and put them all into new binders. I was amused to see that we have a CD for every letter of the alphabet except for U and Z. Any recommendations? The Snook suggested UB40 and ZZTop, but I’m thinking we can do better than that…
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no U2? i’m shocked! and only partly because you spent four years in an “Irish” institution of higher learning.
I’m extremely shocked at the lack of U2.
Check this out
the new warren zevon maybe? super sad… it’s actually’s top seller right now. i like a few of the zwan songs, too, as another Z. and of course i’d recommend u2, the BEST BAND OF OUR GENERATION. 😉 if you’re boycotting or something, uncle tupelo is great (peter buck produced their new cd).
Uncle Tupelo. … Zack de la Rocha?
Wow. I didn’t realize the lack of U2 until just now. It’s not a conscious boycott; I should at least have Achtung Baby. (In my defense, I do have them on mp3 and cassette.) I think they’ll have to be the “U” then.
Zwan could be my “Z”. I’ve got a couple of their songs and I like ’em. Good call.
Uhh…I’m pretty sure I have your one and only true U2 cd. (Judging by the KMH scribbled on it.) Ha! Sorry DJ.
Hey I have a CD with that on it as well. Err.. should I say Ant has it now as he took all my CD’s with himm to Purdue. Hey Kris it’s about time to start the razzing, the ND Purdue game is in 2 weeks.
What? Which U2 CD was it? I don’t remember having one at all. And you’re both CD-stealing sneaks! (Do either of you have my “Best of the Smiths” disc? I really miss that one.)
Nope. But I might have the Breeders…or else I stole it from someone else. I don’t think that one has your initials on it.
I’ve got my own Breeders, so it’s not mine.
Ok you asked for it, the one I have is Matchbox 20
Ack! No it isn’t! I never owned that CD! (Shhhh.)
That’s ok. I have the Crash Test Dummies and the complete work of Jesus Jones. We all make mistakes.
Jesus Jones… “Right Here, Right Now”, right? That’s not a bad song. Did they actually have any other albums??