Wow, the new US $20 bill is out. I like the color. Thanks to Aussie and British money, I’m a big believer in having different colored (and sized) bills. I got so confused in the US last June whenever a cashier would hand me a wad of identical green cash.
7 responses to “”
I really like the bill, too. When it was first announced a few months back, it was receiving a lot of criticism. Our bills are so boring compared to other countries.
i’ve seen pictures of this so-called colourful bill, and it’s not looking so colourful from where i’m sitting. i guess it’s a start.
You’ve been living overseas too long if you can’t recognize a greenback’s denomination by touch, Kris.
Okay, I’m getting to freakily American-stereotype here. But I do like the fact that all of our bills are the same color (out of stubborness, I suppose), and definitely the same size; after all, bills must fit together neatly facing the same direction in a nice stack in the wallet. The pattern is marred if the bills are different sizes.
Touch? Whatchoo talkin’ about, Willis?
See, my wallet stack is NESTED! Each denomination is just a few millimeters wider than than the one before so they organize themselves really neatly. The blind folks like it, anyway. 🙂
The use of colour is cool, but it’s still a pretty conservative design. Who says money has to look like it’s from 1834? I love how Australian notes feature cool stuff like famous poems and windmills. We just need to lose the Queen from the fiver and it’d be perfect 🙂
Eh. It’s okay. It’s money, not art.
I just wish that the Sacagawea Dollar had caught on better than it did. They we so convenient, too. Everyone saved them instead of spending them. Everyone but me, I suppose. I haven’t seen any in at least a year.
Ahem. That should read: “They were so…”
Sorry. It’s early.