New poll! It’s two hours til the big Halloween party and you don’t have a costume. What’s the best last-minute option?


15 responses to “”

  1. last minute hallowe’en costume for girls: a black cat. always – it’s easy, it’s hallowe’en-ish and it’s cute. black nose, some whiskers, a sexy little black dress. tail is optional.

  2. stefanie

    horror-flick victim: even last minute on halloween you should be able to find fake blood — wear an old t-shirt you don’t mind slashing in a few places & cover face & shirt with the blood… easy-peasy!

  3. Great ideas!

  4. amy

    hobo or hooker.
    depending if you want to wear pants or a skirt. It involves about the same amount of makeup…

  5. As if one would wait until the last minute; I start planning mine on November 1st!

    Death Eater / Nazgul – all you need is a black robe that covers your face.

  6. Jenny

    I decided last night to be Joan Crawford from “Mommy Dearest.” I’m going to carry around a hanger (wire, of course) and throw some baby powder around. 🙂 I should get a lot of the votes from boystown

  7. Jenny

    My friend Nora was a sorority girl one year. Black booty pants, tight shirt, black eye. It was a good time.

  8. Ooh, very good ideas. Okay, here’s a hypothetical for you: If you were going to dress as, say, Buffy, what would you wear? I’m thinking Season 1 Skank Buffy, so that’s micro-mini, tight shirt, calf boots, maybe a silly scarf in the hair. Other accessories: lots of make-up, a crucifix necklace, Mr. Pointy. Any other ideas?

  9. amy

    so is that a hint as to what you will be sporting?????

  10. amy

    post #2
    just found this:
    seems pretty easy to me.

  11. I can neither confirm nor deny that rumor… 🙂

    And excellent link, by the way! Now I’m thinking about getting a tank top and ironing on some type of “slayer” logo or something. I mean, one could do that, of course, if one was going to dress as Buffy… 🙂

  12. go for season four poodle-hair buffy! that’ll scare away any vamps…

  13. stefanie

    hee hee — i was going to go as buffy this year too… until i realised very few of the people at the party i’m going to would recognise her (for shame!) and I’d spend the night explaining who I was… having already done that last year, I’m opting for a less creative but more obvious costume this year! torn sheet = mummy… sigh — i need more pop-culture-literate friends!

  14. when i dressed up to watch the series finale of Buffy i wore my pleather/plastic pants, a white tank with a long sleeved white mesh top over it, my black combat boots, a jazzy quasi-costume jewelery crucifix and a bit more eye makeup than usual. of course the real Buffy would probably wear less practical footwear, but i can’t rock the high-heeled boots as well as some.

    i’ve been medusa for several years and was once Nikita from La Femme Nikita (the French film, not the US TV show) but think i’m going to go as an anarchist cheeleader from the Smells Like Teen Spirit video if we dress up at all this year. black tank top: check. short black pleated shirt: easy thrift store find. black pom poms: cut trash bags into strips and tie together with electrician’s tape. voilà!

  15. I’m starting to see vinyl/leather pants as being the key to this whole costume. Very interesting…