Congratulations to my friend Nat, who has become the first of my college friends to have a baby. He and his wife Staci welcomed little Marianne Elizabeth Cunningham into the world two weeks ago. Isn’t she cute? The last time I saw Nat we were drinking our faces off at a tailgater… and now he’s a Dad. It’s a weird feeling.
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Tell me about it… My little sister is due to have her baby (my niece!!!!) in three weeks. Some of my most vivid memories of my lil’ sis involve her chasing me around the house with a knife, breaking into my bedroom to “borrow” my clothes and shoes, stealing my favorite Jem doll, and laughing when my parents spanked me for something she blamed on me. How in the world is that little curly-haired heathen going to be a Mom?? Heh.
Whoa. I don’t even want to imagine the jump to siblings-having-kids yet; it’s weird enough when it’s my friends. That would totally freak me out.