Suddenly, blindingly, brilliantly… summer is here. It took me all of about thirty minutes to get my first sunburn of the season. (I didn’t mean to!) We finished our chores early – transplanting basil in the backyard, meeting with our tax agent, the Snook racking beer, me hitting the gym – and decided to reward ourselves with a trip to the pool at Vic Park (since it’s right around the corner from our new place). The Snook swam laps while I read in the shade. Now we’re heading into the city for birthday drinks with a friend. It’s like I can just see the summer spreading out before me in a lovely succession of sunny days and warm nights with friends… and everything is good.
2 responses to “”
oh goodness, we were out at the botanic gardens on saturday and we got burnt! the last and only time i was sunburnt was about 6 years ago way up north.. lobster red shoulders 4 weeks before the wedding? i’m staying out of the sun, but enjoying the better summer weather
My nose is peeling already!