Snookums at the poolSuddenly, blindingly, brilliantly… summer is here. It took me all of about thirty minutes to get my first sunburn of the season. (I didn’t mean to!) We finished our chores early – transplanting basil in the backyard, meeting with our tax agent, the Snook racking beer, me hitting the gym – and decided to reward ourselves with a trip to the pool at Vic Park (since it’s right around the corner from our new place). The Snook swam laps while I read in the shade. Now we’re heading into the city for birthday drinks with a friend. It’s like I can just see the summer spreading out before me in a lovely succession of sunny days and warm nights with friends… and everything is good.

2 thoughts on “”

  1. oh goodness, we were out at the botanic gardens on saturday and we got burnt! the last and only time i was sunburnt was about 6 years ago way up north.. lobster red shoulders 4 weeks before the wedding? i’m staying out of the sun, but enjoying the better summer weather

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