I decided to make some treats for the office tomorrow to celebrate Valentine’s Day. I did the usual Rice Krispie recipe but substituted pink marshmallows (strawberry flavor) instead of plain. That wasn’t quite pink enough, so I also stirred in a fair bit of red food coloring. They’re quite gruesome now, don’t you think? I also stirred in a bag of white chocolate chips which I hoped would remain whole but instead they just melted into the rest of the cereal. It’s fine; they still taste good. The hardest part was punching the damn things out with the heart-shaped cookie cutter. I tried to do it while they were still warm (so I could mush the leftover bits back together to make more treats) but they cooled rapidly and I had a hell of a time cutting them out. Still, they’re kinda cute and it’s always fun to put the whole office into sugar shock first thing Friday morning…
2 responses to “Rice Krispie Hearts for Valentine’s Day”
Just an idea to have your punching arm next time, maybe get a heart-shaped muffin tin or other shaped molds. Then you could pack the gooey mixture into the buttered tins and turn them when cooled and set.
Oh cute! Rodd actually wanted something like that yesterday as he was making little chocolate pies in a muffin tin for Valentine’s Day. He managed to use the cookie cutter to make me one heart-shaped one, but the muffin tin would’ve been a lot easier.