WB Cancels Angel

Looks like the WB has cancelled Angel. To be honest, I really have no idea what’s been happening on that show. The Snook and I are still back in Season 1 of the DVDs. I wonder if this means they can do a big happy ending with a SMG cameo? That’d be nice.


4 responses to “WB Cancels Angel”

  1. joss recently said SMG had turned down doing an episode of angel, and he sounded a bit peeved. because you know, her movie career is going great guns with Scooby2 and all. there was also an interview with daid where he quite pointedly said “i came back for the final episode of her show – it would be nice if she returned the favour – but its her decision”.
    keep watching the dvds, kris. they get better and better! it really hits its strides come season 2.

  2. Ugh. SMG is really pissing me off. I might have to boycott the rest of her career.

  3. were you really that desperate to see Scooby Doo 2 or more american remakes of japanese horror flicks anyway? or that dreaded day when she and freddie reteam in a romantic comedy? shudder.

  4. Actually Rodd and I were amused to see that the chapel in Vegas where Britney got married is the same one where SMG and Freddie tied the knot. We could’ve had a Buffy and Spike wedding! But no more; SMG is dead to me.