4 thoughts on “Quilt Thieves”

  1. Hi Helen! Yep, I’m knitting. I’ve been working on a pair of socks for some time (they have a lace pattern that’s driving me nuts) so tonight I started another project for instant gratification: the devil had from “Stitch and Bitch”. I’ve got the whole hat and one of the ear pieces done already! I can’t wait for it to get cold enough to wear it.

    And ooh, you just reminded me that I actually bought the magazine at the shop Thursday and then totally forgot about it. It’s been sitting on the dining room table ever since! Now I have something to read during Sunday breakfast. 🙂

  2. If you see someone wearing a pair of my wristwarmers(which they would presumably have made themselves) you absolutely have to tell me!!
    (I’m a little bit over excited!)

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