Angry Letters

I’ve just written letters to my two Senators and Congressman. I used the site to e-mail them but they seem to have disappeared off the site. Hmm. At any rate, I’ve also printed them out and plan to mail them off tomorrow. You should all do the same.

Dear Senator Bayh,


Lest you wonder why an Australian is writing to you, I should probably start by explaining that I’m an American citizen and Hoosier by birth. I lived in northeast Indiana for most of my life and graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1999. Since matriculation I’ve been living and working overseas, first in the United Kingdom and now in Sydney, Australia. For some time now I’ve been looking forward to the day when I would return home for good. I envisioned myself buying a house, marrying my Australian partner, and possibly even having children. I’ve seen a lot of nice places around the world, but I’ve always held on to the belief that the U.S. is a fundamentally good and fair country, the best in which to raise a family.

Now I’m questioning that belief.

I find it completely ludicrous that our President would even suggest enshrining homosexual discrimination in our Constitution. He would alter the document that provides the very foundation of our country merely to define a word – a word! – and in effect turn an entire demographic of hardworking Americans into second-class citizens. His only justification can be on religious grounds, which though I respect, are no basis for United States law. This very idea of this Amendment is an outrage. It is election-year pandering to fundamentalists and zealots.

Have you seen the couples that were wed last week in San Francisco? What right-minded person could object to loving individuals that just want the same rights as everybody else? How could anyone familiar with the Civil Rights Movement honestly suggest that “separate but equal” civil unions are palatable? I fail to see any valid reason why I should be able to marry my partner but someone else is not. If this Amendment were to pass, I seriously doubt that I could bring myself to marry. I could not in good conscience take advantage of legal benefits and privileges that were so callously denied to so many, purely based on the gender of their partner and the tyranny of the homophobic majority.

I urge you to speak out against the President’s proposed Amendment. I have been politically apathetic in the past but this issue has galvanized me. I am ashamed at the eagerness with which some of those who enjoy the freedoms our Constitution provides would use it to curtail the freedoms of others. I will not sit back and watch my country be divided by fear, intolerance, and hate. I intend to use what tools I have – my voice and my vote – to ensure that never happens.


Kristine Howard


6 responses to “Angry Letters”

  1. Eileen

    well put, RT. It’s downright embarassing to hear our president sounding like such an ignorant bigot. Let’s hope all the rational americans utilize their right to vote this year.

  2. Frances

    Wow, Kris. Well said. I think this is comparable to not allowing “blacks” to drink from the same drinking fountain, or ride a bus, or go to the same school as “whites” Regardless of the beliefs of others about the “rightness” of same-sex marriages, the RIGHT to do so is what America is all about. Freedom of Religion wasn’t it? Really meaning, freedom of lifestyle. I think your letter is well-written.

  3. not just eloquent but logically sound. i hope Bayh’s assistants make a point to put your letter in front of him. and i really should get on the stick and write a few myself. i promise not to copy/paste. 🙂

  4. Actually Senator Bayh was the only one who sent me an auto-reply to let me know he’d received my e-mail. He said he gets lots of e-mail so he can’t reply personally, but if I included an address in northeast Indiana, he’d send a snail mail reply to me there. Pretty nice of him, actually. The others just went flying off into the void.

    Feel free to copy/paste whatever you need, B. I don’t know how much of it is generally applicable though… 🙂

  5. Great letter, Kris.

    Since you did such a beautiful job of writing these letters, Kris, you may think about writing to your state legislators as well. If the ammendment proposal did get past Congress (which I doubt it will), it will have to go to the states for radificiation. And regardless of the ammendment issue, states govern marriage in general (as well as most other issues that impact our day to day life) and so your message is very relavent at that level. Also, the state senators and reps that I’ve met assure me that they read all of their correspondance personally.

    Now, I guess I should follow your lead and write some letters, too. 🙂

  6. That is an EXCELLENT idea, Tricia. I’ll be doing it!