The wearing o’ the green

New seasonal site theme for the week… Remember kids, Guinness is good for you!


8 responses to “The wearing o’ the green”

  1. Jenny

    And fat free! At least that’s what the girl hocking it @ the bar said.

  2. Carbalicious though…

  3. ACK! I didn’t realize my title image was so icky and jagged looking. Stupid work monitor. I’ll fix it tomorrow.

  4. Eileen

    i love the new guiness ad campaign-“treat st. patrick’s day like a real holiday.” not sure if you guys are getting them in australia.

  5. love the redesign. 🙂

  6. Very cute! I just had more corned beef and colcannon for lunch (no Guinness at the office).

    My Irish great-grandmother drank her pint ‘o Guinness every day and lived to be 98.

  7. Title image is fixed now… 🙂

    Nope, haven’t seen that here, Reen. I read an article in the paper today by an Irish guy lamenting how St. Patrick’s Day is just a big marketing ploy these days.

  8. Mr Wong

    Paddy McGuinness is as entitled as anyone to say what he wants about St Patrick’s Day, but he’s really about as Irish as I am.