My First Movie!

My First MovieMy First Movie!
As the money earned by my Roald Dahl site has finally reached $300 (thanks to Google Adsense), I decided to finally get the new digital camera I’d been eyeing: the Canon PowerShot A80. The Snook and I have been playing with it all night. “Take a movie of me!” I said. He obliged. We then plugged it into the Mac and copied the clip into iMovie. Neither of us had ever used it before but we quickly figured out how to add titles and transitions. It was so friggin’ cool. “Hey, put Land Down Under in there!” Snook suggested. I clicked on the music tab and my whole iTunes library appeared, complete with search box. In less than ten seconds the audio track was added. Even Linux Boy here was wowed. We finished it off and exported to QuickTime… and here‘s the finished product. We laughed our asses off. 🙂

Note: Yes, I’m using a slightly funny voice, so don’t get weirded out and think that’s how I really talk.

4 thoughts on “My First Movie!”

  1. Ooh, good question. I haven’t gotten any tape from them yet! Darn cheap-ass BBC Suffolk… *grumble*

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