Calling American East-Coasters: An Aussie friend of mine is going to be visiting relatives in Virginia around Thanksgiving and was wondering if there was any chance of snow skiing at that time of year. I told her that I thought Virginia had fairly mild winters, and – while you’re not far from the Appalachians – the Rockies they are not. Any ideas? Should I just tell her to book a side trip to Canada?
4 responses to “East Coast skiing?”
skiing in virginia in November? not going to happen. her best bet is Canada, northern NH or VT.
i was thinking she might have a better chance further inland, but even the western arm of VA doesn’t get all that cold in Nov…
Skiing in Virginia is never that great (now that I’ve experienced West Coast Snow); they make fake snow at most of the resorts for most of the winter. It gets better in PA or West VA (but still not comparable to Colorado or Utah). I’d say go out West for better snow, but it’s not guaranteed that there will be snow anywhere in the US for Thanksgiving.
I’d recommend she enjoy the other things that Virginia has to offer that time of year rather than try skiing. Virginia is a great place for history (of the US variety) buffs, with Williamsburg, Jamestown, and all of the Civil War battlefields. D.C. is always a fun place to visit, of course, and the VA mountains might be nice for hiking in November, although the peak of the leaves is in October. Richmond has a terrific Fine Arts museum…. the list goes on.
Thanks guys. She’s pretty much given up on the idea now. Hiking sounds like it’s still an option though…