Congratulations to Snookums!

Congratulations to the Snook, who got 1st and 5th place – in the same category! – with his homebrew at the Bathurst show last week. You can see the official results here. Scroll down to the “Belgian/French Specialty” category. I’m so proud of him!


7 responses to “Congratulations to Snookums!”

  1. wow, and he hasn’t been brewing that long, has he? or has he? anyways, congratulations. you have an award winning brewer in your house, that must get you a buzz!

  2. Coming up on two years now… I blogged his first batch way back when. 🙂

  3. amy

    wow, congrats to the snook!
    good to know the beer made it there safe and sound.

  4. WeeB

    God he must drink a lot to be peeing out that much 😛

    Naaa… pass on Congrats to the Snook Brewery.

  5. Congrats! Maybe this will inspire me to break out my brewing kit.

  6. Go Snook, Go!
    There is a new Brewing shop in Penrith, which I thought was kind of odd, but then what I know about beer you could fit on the head of a pin.

  7. Hmm, must be a bit of a trend then. Last weekend he checked out a new one that just opened in North Sydney. I’ll tell him about the Penrith one…