A lovely dinner party

We had a lovely dinner party last night with Andrew and Kathleen and Major and Steph. The only problem – other than my shifting Rodd’s chocolate pie in the fridge and causing it to become lopsided – was when Kathleen suddenly began sneezing and coughing ten minutes into the evening. The cause? A previously unknown cat allergy. Ouch. Dr. Amy Jones apologized and spent the rest of the night napping in the bathroom.


3 responses to “A lovely dinner party”

  1. amy

    sorry we couldn’t make it. I’ve been sick all weekend. thanks so much for the invite! I was really hoping to talk Iron Chef with Andrew, he seems to be even more obsessed with it than I am, wow.
    next time

  2. Kathleen

    thanks for the invite, Kris and so sorry to Amy for making it a miserable night for her….i hope the 15 min play session at the end of the night made up for being couped up in the loo! Amy, would love to meet up with you and chat about The Iron Chef! I miss it already…..And Kris, we’re looking at going to see Girl with the pearl earring on Tight-ass Tuesday at Hoyts in George St – interested?

  3. Definitely, as long as the Snook can tape Survivor for me. 🙂