Knit Your Bit Kit

Hey, the Red Cross “Knit Your Bit” Kit is now available to order online. It’s $25 +$8 postage. I’ve run into some difficulties having it shipped to an international address, so folks outside the US should probably wait a while. And whoa, not only is Dakota Fanning in, like, fifteen movies, but she’s a knitter! At her age I was still making potholders on a dime store loom.


5 responses to “Knit Your Bit Kit”

  1. amy

    should we make an Aussie group order? (when they become available outside the US)

  2. I got an e-mail from Leigh-Anne about the international problems this morning. She’s workin’ on it. At the very least, we might be able to get her to do a single shipment out to us.

  3. Anyone else want to weigh in so we can gauge interest in international shipping?

    By the way, I have broken down and posted my knitting…er, project on my blog. I’d say “Enjoy” but I wouldn’t want to set unrealistic expectations.

  4. Thanks, Leigh-Anne. I’ve updated my Glitter posting and bumped it to the top of the list so hopefully some of the international girls will leave feedback.

    And your knitting looks good! I left you a comment with my guess regarding your mystery loops.

  5. amy

    I want one!!!!