Harry Potter Pin Collection

Sirius BlackWell, of course I’m collecting the Harry Potter pins from the Daily Telegraph. I freaked out last night though when I couldn’t find the Hagrid pin anywhere. I went to four different newsagents and it was sold out everywhere! Luckily today I went to the little crappy one near my office and they had extras. So I’m all caught up!


5 responses to “Harry Potter Pin Collection”

  1. amy

    I’m collecting them too…

  2. Did you get the Ron one today? He’s wearing a funny knitted hat but the smallness of the pin makes him look like he’s wearing a headband and pigtails.

  3. amy

    yeah, I didn’t like that one. Hey, did you find grey socks?

  4. Not yet. I’m checking Paddy’s Market today.

  5. cough*geek*cough