Marty and Jess to wed!

Marty and Jess from Big Brother are getting hitched. My prediction: Channel 10 will televise the whole event, which will feature Shannon Noll and Killing Heidi performing at the reception (during the AFL Grand Final, naturally). Afterwards Marty and Jess will star in the Australian version of “Newlyweds.” Mark my words!

18 thoughts on “Marty and Jess to wed!”

  1. Ahhh, scarily, I imagine there is more than a little truth in that prediction.

    (long time reader, first time commenter – hi! *waves*)

  2. Awww. Our very own Rob and Amber…

    I hear they’ll also be staring in a new and exciting farm renovation reality show featuring the other big brother constestants from years past.

  3. Ooh! I hope they include Peter and his little orphan siblings. So heartbreaking, those little battlers… *sigh*

    (And hi, Niffler! Welcome!)

  4. Yikes, it’s true. I just saw an ad for Jess and Marty’s ‘Outback Wedding’. Come on, admit it… you’re all going to be watching!

  5. Oh God. I saw it myself tonight. *puke* Yes, I’ll probably be watching, but I make this personal promise to myself: I shall drink continuously while viewing. Alcohol should numb my sense of shame.

  6. awwww they are so cute ..getting married under toilet pipe…wish them all the best though..they made BB2 worth watching…and i also wondered if pete and the orphans would be there they could be flowergirl and ring boy

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